It's not all bad. The butterfly bushes seem to be growing several inches a day. Finally, I've got butterfly bushes that don't sprawl out across the ground.

While planting some wintersown seedlings in the perennial bed, I pulled some clover to discover Jim's alstroemeria. It's the one with the variegated foliage.

I scattered seeds like a mad man today. I even tossed out some left over potting soil on a bare spot where I walk a lot. Grass seed went over it and I watered it in.

Scattered seeds include Salvia subrotunda, Four O'clocks, lemon basil, cosmos, zinnias, melampodium, and others I can't remember now. It's the heat. Yeah, that's the ticket. I did sow a few more containers. Basil Gonovese, Lemon lime basil, sunflowers (a wide variety from mammoth to red bloomers), Limelight four o'clocks, and a striped four o'clock I have never grown before. It's not as though I don't have enough to plant out already.

I tried to relax in the swing, but after an hour in the hammock, I'm exhausted. The meadow is over a foot tall. Larkspur, red clover, and many weeds make up the majority of the tall seedlings. Rudbeckia and bee balm have been spotted along with a few cosmos around the outer edges. I'm afraid what might be lurking in the middle of all that clover. I bet something that slithers has made itself at home.

I just can't believe how fast everything's growing these days. We haven't had rain in over a week. Thursday, we're supposed to have PM thunderstorms. I hope so. The pollen was so thick at times today, I thought I lived on a dirt road again. All my roses have buds, summer blooming perennials are shooting up flowerstalks, all the crape myrtles are leafing out now, including the white and red ones I started from seed last winter. It's incredible.
After the long winter, I was hoping for a gradual transition into summer. Not a chance of that now. We're running 23 degrees above normal today. As I sit here with the windows open, pollen covering me and everything inside, I can hear the leaves on the trees rustling in the wind. The houses on Brown Avenue are quickly disappearing thanks to the foliage. The stream has dried up. I'm filling the birdbath twice a day. Two crows came in for a drink while I was laying in the hammock the second time.
Maybe on Sunday, things will be cooler and I can plant out more seedlings. They're getting watered twice a day too. Some have succumbed to the heat already. But reseeds will fill the gaps and get moved as spring moves forward. Today, I found a batch of self sown nicotiana and datura. I think every seed that fell has germinated. Lucky too, I was about to have to head downtown to snatch more datura pods. But it's too hot.
It's incredible how quickly things are growing in this heat! Looks like you're taking full advantage of it! Really great new header!
Holy smokes! I had to go back and check the date at the top of the post. Wow, 92*, That's amazing. Your weather so often mimics ours but we have been sitting under a cold wet system flow for what feels like weeks now. Dare I hope that we might follow your lead? I could use a little warm up. Maybe I'll just make myself a latte' and crawl under the electric blanket until then.
Tim, The growth is amazing. I'm just worried about late April. I'm nervous about a cold snap. Seems impossible, but like Jim said, there's been snow in May in NC before.
LeSan, yes. 92. It's cooled down to 88 now. I'm going to remove my electric blanket and hang it over the windows to keep the sun out. At least there's a nice breeze to move some pollen around.
Mine is at the stage as yours. I hope you enjoy it.
We have had close to 80 once, but are still barely seeing 70s. The plants are popping up all over, though, and I'm excited to see some blooms.
Your place is looking great!
Ms. Yolanda the weather lady promised that after the thunderstorms on Thursday -- in case we get any -- it will be cooler.
Everything is green.
Nell, I hope she's right. I see that in the forecast. It should be in the 60s on Friday and back into the 70s for the weekend.
Sue, enjoy it while it lasts. Spring was way too short. Three days here.
Jim, thanks again. I don't know what the blooms look like, but the foliage is divine.
Hot and wonderful! Our roses are weeks early this year. Usually see them in full bloom by the end of April. Not this year. two weeks early is my prediction.
It has been way above normal 'hot' for this time of the year. Rain is suppose to be coming in tomorrow here as well, I hope so. Watering used to be fun in April for me...forecast is for the 40/70 split after the rains. That will be more like it. I have been on the look out for the slithering critters too.
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