A new columbine has opened. The seeds were labeled "yellow". It's powdery blue. I like it.


Salvia greggii. Does it realize it's a fall bloomer?

The first Dutch iris.

The view while weeding.

Nandinas. The color is so vivid.

Red clover.

The new birdbath. I need to find smaller stones to add to the bottom.

The dead oak tree is cracking apart.

Looking back.

Bath pink and yellow oxalis.

Baby hosta.

That didn't last long. "Screw you, I'm outta here."

The view from the swing. I did sit a spell.

The view from the hammock, for LeSan.

It's sunny and 73 degrees. I probably increased my water bill by $20 today. The beans, cucumbers, squash and various herbs were planted today. Nasturtiums were sown in the upper potager. Basil was sown in the lower beds. Tomatoes will have to wait. They aren't ready just yet for transplanting and separating. I know a few people who will be receiving the extras in a couple weeks.
Love that last shot!
You have good views from every direction. Good planning.
get that wood sorrel out of there - it's pink but sneaky like kudzu.
It's too late David. It's everywhere, even in the containers that spent the winter in the basement. I've sprayed it with RoundUp. That just pisses it off.
Thanks Glenda. You only see what the camera sees. There are bad views. LOL.
You had a great day Tom. I like the view from your hammock and I love that powder blue columbine, the Dutch iris, the purple oxalis, I have some of that in bloom right now also.
Now have a nice evening.
It all looks fantastic!
You're a busy man. The bed of Centaurea Montana (your weeding view), was the first plant I received from my Father-in-law eons ago. I still love it today, though most of it is gone due to bad placement the first year. Too close to the highway, thus too close to the salt trucks in winter. Argh!
Your hammock view and your home are too cool. Keep the beauty of the day coming.
Hi Tom,
Thanks for the tour. I love your place! I want to check into that red clover to see if it grows here, and if the butterflies/caterpillars like it.
I like the red clover. I haven't seen any quite like that before.
Your garden is looking wonderful.
It is all looking so good. I like your birdbath. It is really nice one. I don't remember seeing yellow oxalis, I guess I didn't know there were so many kinds. Great blog.
Really looking good. What a great capture of the clover Tom. I too, love your hammock views! Oxalis is everywhere here.
Great garden! It's beautiful.
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