I haven't had a chance yet to mow the yard either. I had hoped to do it last night, but it was sprinkling rain when I got home from work. The clouds looked as though it would storm at any moment. By the time it was dark, the clouds were gone and the nearly full moon was shining through the window. The white clover has received a reprieve. With rain coming today around 2pm and all afternoon, the mowing will have to wait until another day.

Clearance purchased Veronica is starting to bloom. The white has buds, but no color yet. Those plants are larger than the dark purple.

Wine & Roses weigela. The foliage isn't as dark as it should be. There isn't a place I can move it to with enough sun to turn it nearly black. The blooms are more pink than red too. Same as with the ones we have in the store.

Pyracantha is blooming. The bees are loving these plants. I have 6 or 7 of them scattered around the gully and one behind the upper meadow. They'll grow to about 12' tall. Mojave is the variety.

The sweet Williams I planted out last spring from wintersown seed are starting to bloom. They've got a nice fragrance. Other blooms are dark pink. I like the red.

Blue girl. Hybrid Tea Rose. Very fragrant. Silver to pale lavender in color.

It's 52 degrees. The high today will reach the upper 60s. Rain will be moving in this afternoon. There could be thunderstorms. I know the tomatoes will enjoy the rain.
All looks beautiful, particularly in light of the crazy winds. The Dame's Rocket just looks more romantic with its new loose look!
We had sweet William weather over from last year. It looks really good and it was a surprise. Everything is looking very healthy and green.
Veronica is one of my favorite perennials. Never saw one I didn't like.
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