A new Dutch iris.

More blue on the May Night Salvia. Cuttings were taken on Thursday.

Mountain Bluet. These are so intricate. I need to divide this clump in the fall. It's grown to nearly 4' across from three plants and a few self sown seedlings.

Red clover is making an impressive show. I love these blooms.

It's 45 degrees. The high today should reach 70. Rain likely Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. I hope they're right.
Laura is here visiting from New Orleans. I'm off tomorrow, so we'll probably spend the day catching up again. I won't be doing much gardening with her here. That's a good thing. It's nice to have company in the house.
Love that red clover! What conditions does it like?
Your iris are lovely - the photograph of the yellow iris is stunning. And the banner of lilacs is wonderful, too - I can almost smell the lilacs from here! Have a good day!
- Daisy from AZ
Ginny, I scattered seeds over shredded leaves on top of really hard packed clay. It germinated heavily in most areas. It gets a little floppy in good soil, so I think dry and hot is best. If you buy seeds from a feed mill/farm supply, get them inoculated. They'll add bacteria and nitrogen to the soil.
That clover will replenish the soil nicely. It is an annual and actually it is called Crimson Clover. The native Red Clover we have is perennial, note red clover the flowers are more pink than red.
Thanks Randy. I wasn't sure if it was Crimson or not. The guy at the feed store told me it was the best they had for cover crops.
Love the rays in the first photo..pretty iris too. My May Night Salvia is just putting on buds..Glad you will have some company Tom. Tell her I said 'Hi'....
I hope you get rain tonight and that we do too. I planted out my purple alternanthera today.
I'll have to try that clver. It looks amazing.
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