New things are popping up all over. The rain should kick things into overdrive.

The ferns I transplanted last week are starting to unfurl.

Black & Blue salvia is returning. This one is pineapple sage. That's the first time I've ever had this plant return from the roots. The three others show no signs of life.

Brugmansias have new growth too.

It's 61 degrees. There's a coolness to the air.
I do hope the rains come!
The garden is two weeks ahead of last year. It's dry. It's hot. Need relief!
We had the rain last night but really could have used more of it. Only .3 inches. Things are coming up all over though! I sure hope our Black and Blue comes back too.
Pineapple sage is a sometimes thing. Two of mine came back, two didn't. No obvious reason why. Good thing cuttings are so easy with PS. Some of the younger plants of S. leucantha didn't return.
We had a sprinkle, just a sprinkle of rain. Storms are over in Alabama and more clouds stirring in the Gulf. I hope we get a downpour and it moves that way.
The blue flower is a new one for me. I really like the pinks flowers. We are back being cold again today.
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