The foliage tour begins in the basement. I stuck cuttings of my red camellia, black & blue salvia, Mystic Spires salvia, Russian sage, and White Profusion Butterfly bush. It's probably too early for the camellias, but the growth on the others were nice and firm. If I'm successful with the japonicas, I'll be taking another walk through the neighborhood early one morning next week.



This variegated weigela was rooted last spring. I plan to root several more very soon. I love the foliage. The white flowers are just an added bonus.

Wine & Roses weigela is more wine than roses at the moment.

Larkspur, Dame's Rocket, and a yellow climbing rose named Golden Showers at the perennial bed arbor.

Golden Jubilee, red clover, Bloody Dock, irises, and lots of weeds.

Proving that plants are forgiving things, the oakleaf hydrangea looks the best it ever has. I took a cutting yesterday. It may be too early. This one has buds at the ends of the two main stalks.

Eastern Redbud loves you too.

Ginkgo. Grown from seed, these were tossed late last spring when I figured there would be no germination. I noticed I missed another when I dug them out this winter and moved them before they leafed out. All three are doing well. The bright yellow foliage will be welcomed in the gully over the next 20 years as they mature. I'm learning patience.

Virginia creeper has latched onto the dead oak tree. It's over now.

While scouting for plants to pinch, I found this little gem. The first rudbeckia bloom of the year. R. triloba.

I saved the best for last. My favorite foliage of all comes in the form of gigantic trees that ring the backyard. The undergrowth has filled in. To compensate for the lack of foliage in winter, I've spread evergreens along the edge. Leyland Cypress, arborvitae, and soon, Foster Holly will provide enclosure and privacy in the years to come. I made a promise to one Leyland yesterday. No more moving. Maybe.

If you can't the kerria, I noticed a sucker or two coming up around my single variety. I can send you one. My single is not as robust and showy as the double.
Thanks Phillip. Let me see if I can locate the double first. I will let you know. I really appreciate the offer and will probably take you up on it in a couple weeks.
I keep intending to buy an Oakleaf Hydrangea grows well up here. Your trees are really becoming fully leafed out. It looks good, green!!!
I love all those tall evergreens. I would love to plant a few more around our house, but am afraid their roots would interfere with the drain fields.
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