It has a home with other pink and red blooms. I didn't plan it that way. I like the outcome. The transition into summer should be interesting in this bed. Self-sown datura seedlings are up. Great Blue Lobelia has been planted in hunks. Perilla is present. White Four O'clocks have reseeded heavily. Echinacea and Black and Blue salvia will turn this bed into a cool oasis from the hotter reds and yellows near the street.

At the other end of that space, the foxgloves are beginning to bloom. They are shaded until about 6pm when the hot afternoon sun hits them.

These are a creamy yellow. I was hoping the purple one survived the move late in the winter. I think it was too wet.

Yvonne's salvia seedlings, I hope. If not, they are S. subrotunda. I'm okay with that. It's a nice plant. The goldfinches love the seeds. The hummingbirds love the nectar.

A stray larkspur seed has grown into a 2' tall specimen. I avoid it every time I mow.

This poppy found a home in between the stones I use for edging.

Pulling back a bit, the garden glows in the early morning light. It's my favorite time of day to take photos.

I did find time yesterday to mow the paths and the front lawn. It's 45 degrees. The high today will be 84.
Love those stray plants. Everything is looking good Tom.
Tom, that last photo is absolutely magical! You have done a fantastic job.
You have come so far! I remeber when you didn't know what valerian was when I mentioned it to you on GW. But, I never knew there was a red variety. Is the red fragrant? My valerian only spreads by seed.
I like the color scheme. It combines and blends well.... ~bangchik
Your early morning photo is so pretty! That's also my favorite time of day to take photos - sometimes I'm late for work because I can't tear myself away.
I love the last photo - what is that blue flower in the bottom corner?
Love it--the colors are wonderful.
Thanks Ya'll.
Jim, if you want some seeds, let me know. I haven't collected these before, but I'm planning to. I love this plant and really want to let it reseed in this shady corner with reckless abandon.
Phillip, the blue is Mountain Bluet (Centaurea montana). It reseeds well too and spreads. That clump came from three tiny hunks of seedlings I set out in January 2009. They bloom the first year too.
Tom - that new banner pic is gorgeous!
i've said it before - your photographs of garden views always look like poetry. I remember the photo looking out of the window in the fall - now this last photo sings, and buzzes of Spring. Great Job!
LOVE that last photo!
That last photo is amazing. Until I came to your blog I wasn't sure if Mountain Bluets or Red Valerian would do well here. You've convinced me to try them.
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