In another moment of serendipity, KnockOut roses went on sale yesterday at the store. $5 for a one gallon container. I bought the last two "Sunny" in the store. Now I know, true rose fanatics consider the KnockOut to be trash and not worthy of space in their gardens. But for a beginning gardener like myself, KnockOuts are the next best thing to sliced bread. Jim says my attitude will change once I've grown some of these older roses like what he has sent me. I have a plan for all this yellow. You'll just have to wait and see. In the meantime, I have plenty of yellow already in the yard.
Rudbeckia hirta - aka, Black Eyed Susan




Butternut Squash

Coreopsis "Full Moon"

Coreopsis "Moonbeam"

Rudbeckia and Shasta Daisy "Alaska"


It would be wrong of me to post today without showing you the melampodium seedlings from Carrie.

It's 66 and cloudy. Rain most of the night. Rain most of the day today. It's my day off and I was hoping to paint some more of the trim outside. I might just take a nap this afternoon instead.
2:56pm - sunny, rainy, and cloudy...all at the same time. Muggy and sticky. Nasty day to be outside. 75 degrees feels much warmer.
Went to Carrie's this morning to pick up more plants she offered me. You never say no to FREE plants. You've got to try them just once. I took her a few things too. More yellow added to the garden in the process.
Melampodiums to fill in more blank spaces.

The rudbeckia triloba I got the last time I went to see her was finally transplanted. It should bloom in a few more weeks. Huge roots at the bottom of the pot it was sitting in.

And a new rudbeckia showed up today. My first bi-color. Carrie has some beautiful brown, reds, and oranges.

Got some cuttings from her garden as well, a hydrangea (monk? something?) and some Silver Berry (Elaeagnus unsure of the species). I put those in the chamber with the rose cuttings I received yesterday. The other cuttings I did last week are still looking good. One rose cutting has lost several leaves, but new growth is already replacing them.
Doing little to nothing else today. I might do some dishes, fold some laundry, or play Rollercoaster Tycoon until bed.
You have some wonderful yellows Tom. Jim is right, you will love the older roses. I don't have any of the knockout roses, but I do have some older ones. They are addicting and you can't have just one.
Happy Gardening ~ FlowerLady
He gave me three cuttings of two types. I also have rooting, what I believe to be New Dawn. Let's hope so. Waiting for a rebloom on the mother plant.
With all those yellows and the reds from your earlier post, your garden must be looking very jolly
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