First you need some small containers, some potting soil or mix, rooting hormone, and the cuttings. It's best to take cuttings in the morning. Be sure the plant is well hydrated and in overall good health. I use a 10% bleach solution to dip my pruning shears between different plants. Keeping the cuts clean is the best way to avoid fungus and failure.

I pour a small amount of rooting hormone into another container to prevent contamination of the large container. I dip each cutting into the hormone and tap off the excess. These are roses and gardenias. The leaves of the gardenia have been cut in half to reduce loss of moisture. The new growth will replace these first leaves by fall.

Using a pencil, paintbrush, and sometimes my finger, I make a hole in the soil. This will keep the rooting hormone from being brushed off when you stick the cutting. Once in place, use your fingers to firm the soil around the cutting.

Water well.

I use two Sterlite containers under my side porch to control the humidity level of the cuttings. Without roots, they will need a little more protection from sun and drying out than rooted plants.

In 4-8 weeks, most of these should root. There will be some losses. There always are. But since the cuttings are free, the hormone is cheap, and I'm only wasting time if they fail, it's a great way to increase your plantings without spending a lot of money. Give it a whirl.
Yes!!! Very good tutorial there....Man, I'm gonna have to show this to my BIL. Thanks, Tom!
Interesting. I have a gardenia bosnai tree that I received as a gift. It's 3 years old, but very small. I love the fragrance of gardenia, so I was thinking about a way to keep it and make multiple plants. I'll give this a try. Thank you!
Good morning Tom. Great little piece on starting new plants. I usually start new plants in little pots but haven't tried them in a controlled environment like you have. That's great.
Thanks for the inspiration.
I hadn't thought about using sterilite containers like that! Thanks for sharing that Tom!
definitely going to follow this tutorial, thanks!
also, is the rooting stuff organic? if not, do you know of any organic equivalents? thanks man!
Get you some willow twigs. Any willow will work. Boil the twigs for a couple minutes and set it aside to cool overnight. Use the water to keep the plants moist. And skip the step on rooting hormone. Willows contain a natural hormone. That's one reason they root so easily.
Great instructions. We have a couple of rose cuttings that should have some roots by now. It was our first try, so we'll keep our fingers crossed.
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