Six 4x4 treated posts with gothic tops - $1 each.

Two Jackson Perkins climbing roses, pale lavender - $3 each.

The panels and posts came from old displays at the store that were changed out this past week. The roses were clearance items. They've got horrible black spot and have already been sprayed. I'll treat them again when I plant them against the trellises on the back of the house.
These things make me happy. The damage from the wind that came through here yesterday does not. The perennial bed is a mess. There were tomato cages flipped over. Castor beans are still laying on the ground. Shasta daisies were tied with twine to keep them from splaying flat on the ground. The breadseed poppies are looking awful. The mountain bluet needs deadheading, but I want to collect seeds for more plants next year. Rudbeckia hirta is not a good plant for my garden. It grows too lanky and tall and needs constant supervision. Maybe I'll sow seeds for it in the gully next spring and let it naturalize out there.
I've learned a few things this year already:
Pictures can lie.

Perennials need pruning early in the season.

Empty spaces can be filled with new perennials, but those holes will take weeks to fill in and bloom.

I miscalculated the bloom times for a lot of my perennials and many of the annuals. I've got some more research to do. Sometimes what you plant from seed isn't what you get. It's not always bad.

This really is my first year growing perennials on a large scale. The potager is doing great because I know how to grow veggies. I've been growing tomatoes since I was a kid. I've learned all about corn and beans and squash through the forced manual labor my parents inflicted on me and my sister. But perennials and many of my annuals are new to me this year. It will take time to learn their habits. Next year, I'll be better prepared.
Apologies: Today was supposed to be a day for taking cuttings of tomatoes and some perennials for the cloner, but it still smells of bleach after cleaning. I removed the cover and plan to let it air out for another 24 hours. I'll stick the cuttings on Sunday instead.
Reviving sick plants and being successful makes it more of a joy. Those purchases are great. I shop the way you do, with luck and chance to find a good deal of something that your really want. We have the rain and wind today north of you but our weather rarely comes your way.
There is no vaccine or 12 step program to stop the purchasing of roses.
I once knew a woman who wanted to rip out her driveway to plant more roses. Her husband told her he'd leave her. She told him she would miss him.
What great finds Tom! Our HD does not have good deals like that. They give the plants back to the suppliers, they will not sell them at a discount.
We 'found' our one section of picket fence. I'd like to 'find' more, so will just keep curbside shopping. :-)
Enjoy your day ~ FlowerLady
I love getting a good deal at the store...any store! Love those fences.
Perennials will 'grow' on you. I love knowing that certain areas will just bloom during the summer with out me having to much more than water. I especially love perennials that multiply. There is nothing better than digging and dividing...FREE plants.
Do you grow daylilies? Lovely, tough perennials.
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