Luna Red.

10:23am - For the third time this year, I've had to water the potager. Between yesterday afternoon and this morning, everything has gotten a good drink of water. PM thunderstorms are in the forecast for Friday and Monday. I hope they're right. It's very dry here with no rain since June 14. This winter, I need to install a micro-irrigation system around the yard. I'm wasting a lot of water using the hose and sprinklers.
Two of favorites also, Tom! Btw, I like the method you used for creating that new shrub bed..less lawn to mow..lol!
My lilies are just beginning. I used to have many more than I currently own, then they just sort of died out; my stargazer included. Looking at yours makes me think I really need to replace them. I miss them and my other fireworks lilies (they always bloomed around July 4).
By the way, thanks for visiting my blog. With all the problems us wordpress bloggers have been having posting on Blotanical, it nice to have even a few visitors.
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