The triple yellow by the front door is also threatening to bloom again. Still only one bloom, so I will leave it to collect the first of many seeds this year.

The Lagerfeld roses are blooming again. They look good for about 6 hours on the day they bud. After that, they turn brown and ugly.

The brugmansias are still growing. This is my smallest, it's either orange or yellow. Every day I see what I think is a bud. It has turned out to be nothing but new leaves. The one bud I had on another brug fell off last week. It had better be worth the wait.

June bugs die a horrible death in my yard. Squished.

It's 84 and cloudy. The high has been toned down to 91 instead of 95. No sun is the key. It looks and feels like rain is on the way.
The current weather here (south of Chicago) is sunny and 85 but with the humidity it feels like 94! I know that it is difficult sometimes to describe a smell, but I wonder what the Datura smells like?
I ran across an ad for Datura plants and have been wondering if it's too late to get them in the ground. What do you think?
It is very hard this time of year to find any rose unblemished and lasting because of the heat. But your Lagerfield looks great!
Laura, it smells like the cleanest fragrance I can imagine. Not sweet like a gardenia, and not citrus like a brug. Just, clean.
Alexandria, I just transplanted some this week. :)
Thanks Jim. Tomorrow they will be brown and ugly. All the leaves on the bottom are gone. Blackspot claimed them. The new growth is free so far.
Hope it was a night of cocktails and moths!
Your plantings must be enjoying your weather! They are huge~
Tom, that's a Japanese beetle, not a June bug on your daisy. We didn't even GET June bugs here this year. The birds and toads missed some good meals...
Kris, we use the term interchangeably here for JB's and June Bugs. They always arrive about the same time, in June. It's what my dad has always called Japanese Beetles.
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