This time, two blooms. Next round, 4 blooms. The buds are already forming.

The double yellow is taking its time.

Maybe tomorrow night. Other daturas near the perennial bed are starting to bud. I'm really glad I love this scent. The whole yard will be full of these next year. I might even fill the gully with plants just to attract the sphinx moths. It will give the bats something to eat.
this was the first of the brougmansia flowering with the full moon! The fragrance is out of this world
Yep. I can't wait for my angel trumpets to bloom. The datura are coming on strong all over the yard. The brugs have just started Y-ing in the perennial bed. If the weather cooperates, I should get at least one or two blooms early this summer. I hope to have lots more this fall when it cools down again.
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