4' tall shasta daisies have taken out a coreopsis full moon.

Red bee balm didn't even have the chance to bloom. It snapped at a node.

More sprawling coreopsis full moon. Still no blooms or buds. I'll cut it back today and hope for the best. Last year, it bloomed till the first frost.

Broken Four O'Clocks. Yes, I wish I were talking about the colors of the blooms.

Washout. This pipe leads back to the gutter at the corner of the house where I planted the tea olive this week. The hole caused by the rushing water is about 8" deep. We received a lot of rain in a very short time period.

Now, not all is lost.
The Lagerfeld rose I bought on clearance is about to bloom again.

Some tomatoes are turning orange. :) I CANNOT WAIT!!!!

The $5 tea olives are blooming, again. Meanwhile, the established ones I planted last year haven't bloomed at all yet.

Two roses grown from cuttings last year are both blooming today. I had hoped at least one of these would be a yellow. I guess I gave them away when I misplaced the labels over the winter.

Today, I need to run over to Carla's. I'm taking her a datura seedling from the white bed and the rack she got from the store last night. It's on the back of the truck. When that's done, I plan to start building the trellis for the chimney. Rain is expected off and on all day today. It's foggy and humid at 66 degrees.
I've been reading the Well Tended Perennial Garden and will cut the coreopsis and shastas back. Neither have really bloomed yet and should recover giving me some blooms later in the month, maybe even into July. Next year, I'll be pruning these earlier to create stockier plants that should stand up better.
I usually cut the stuff way back that falls over like that and it reflushes beautifully!
I find rain never knows when to stop or start and is either too heavy or not heavy enough! Regardless of that your garden is looking beautiful and I expect lots of things will re-invent themselves! Val
Compost, I've already cut things back this morning. Yesterday, it was all lush and nice. Today, it looks like I went through with a weedwhacker. Such is life.
Thanks Val. I hope they do come back. I suspect they will. Their only goal in life is to set seed. :)
Despite the wind damage, your garden looks lush, healthy, and lovely.
For your washing downspout area...we found some help at Home Depot. Go to the guttering section and find the 'feet' that go at the end of the spout. They've helped our trouble areas a lot by distributing the water over more area.
Thanks Deb. Right now, the idea is to use stones from the yard, once I collect enough to edge the bed. I need to get a handle on the Centipede grass that keeps creeping in. I'll have to spray it since nothing else I have tried seems to work.
Aw man....you'll be eating tomatoes pretty soon. Thanks for including a veggie related photo!
EG, I have squash too. You just can't see them for all the leaves. The plants are huge this year. Butternut squash is starting to overtake the whole bed. The poor okra is struggling.
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