Elymus arenarius 'Blue Dune' is blooming.
Fuchsia in a hanging basket. We had an abundance at the store. It was cheap. No, really.
Sweet william. Wintersown in 2008/9. From the same container. One clump on each side of the perennial arbor.
Just around the corner, Pinks Maiden dianthus. Wintersown in 2008/9. Bloomed a little last year.
Columbine. To be wintersown 2010/11. Lots of seed pods here. Dame's rocket is flopping all over. Seed pods are starting to form.
The first larkspur. These seeds came from Kathy in Texas. I tossed them out in the late fall. They germinated and held on through the rough (relatively speaking) winter. I noticed this one while Szylvia and I were walking the yard yesterday afternoon. I sent her away with tomato plants and a rooted cutting of the white butterfly bush.
Ditch lilies. Stella D'Oro clumps have formed buds too. The Coreopsis Moonbeam below them will not bloom for another month at least.
It's 72 degrees. The rainfall measurement reported by weather.com was 0.68". Parts of the yard are still dry. I'm going to spend the rest of the morning planting out Pineapple Sage and Sunflowers. I've already planted six ligustrum along the neighbor's chain link fence. They were on deep discount, $1 each. They'll need some recovery time before I show them. In a couple weeks, they should have new foliage. I've also planted two new hybrid teas. One is an unknown yellow with orange tones. The other is Gypsy.
One very positive note, NellJean was right again. The oakleaf hydrangea is regrowing from the roots already. It wants to live.
You are seeing the fruits of your labor! My larkspur is beginning to bloom too.
wow !! things are happening !!
The fuchsia is beautiful! Dianthus has become one of my favorite plants. Is your Sweet William very fragrant?
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