Veronica spicata "Red Fox" with perilla.
Purple heart (or purple queen).
Etoile Violette clematis on the perennial bed arbor.
More bloody dock.
Thundercloud Plum.
Castor Bean.
Agastache "Golden Jubilee" and Perilla.
A sea of self sown Amaranthus and Crabgrass. Pink bee balm will bloom later in the summer.
Camellia sasanqua. This was the large pink flowering camellia that I cut down in the summer of 2008 to provide the backyard with more sunlight. It was probably 20' tall.
It's 63 degrees. The high today will reach the low 80s. No rain, plenty of sun.
Nice plants here Tom. I pinched the tops out of my Monarda like you said over a month ago I guess, that thing is huge now! I bought some Bloody Dock for .50 a couple weeks this all it does? I really like it, don't care for the name too much though. It's 90% humidity here at 5:42 a.m., going to be air you can wear..
Darla, you can also call it Bloody Dock, Red-veined Dock, Bloodwort, or
Rumex sanguineus. It tries to bloom in my garden in June. It sends up ugly stalks that look weedy, so I cut them out. I've read it reseeds like crazy, so I'm trying to keep it only where I want it. One plant purchased years ago has been divided several times. It loves moist areas in my yard.
Thanks Tom. I think it's going to be a great filler plant....
Love the perilla...I keep seeing it in various blogs and have been thinking of scattering a few in the it hardy at all, or does it come back purely from re-seeding?
I have a mock orange bush that needs to be trimmed down. It is so large and old I am concerned I might kill it. I guess I should plant a new one somewhere else for a year before I attempt it. It is a historic planting but looks like too much dead wood to keep around.
Scott, it's not frost hardy at all, but you will have tons from just reseeding. It creates thousands of seeds. I'll start pinching it soon to create more foliage. And of course, deadheading it this year.
Larry, cut it down. Mock oranges can regrow from the roots too. If you don't want to do it all at once, take out a third every couple months through the summer, but not within 2 months of frost.
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