White Swan is producing more blooms. It won't be long now.
Sea Holly.
It's 64 degrees. Hot and muggy today with temperatures rising to the mid/upper 80s. 40% chance of afternoon thunderstorms. The forecast for the next 7 days sounds pretty much the same. Bring on the rain.
i can't believe you have echinacea blooming already - you seem to be several weeks ahead of us here. Great photos.
echenacea are great plants. they are so hearty and good looking. and the need about as much care as a weed.
just pull the weeds out around them and they just go without being super careful about giving them water.
the curb that overwhelm feeling that i get when i thing of the yard.
Tom, did you ever get seeds for the endangered echinacea tennesseensis? I WS'd them last year and they have returned. Odd grasslike leaves. I have some seeds left if you'd like some....
I enjoyed seeing your blooms. That's a cool sea holly.
We're finally supposed to have a warm up in the next few days, so I can get my tomato and pepper plants hardened off and planted.
Do you normally link in to Garden Blogger's Bloom Day? Look at me, I capitalized the letters like it's an official holiday. LOL
I enjoyed your foliage photos, too. I had to laugh about you wanting more of a spready plant. I bought a snow in summer plant, and when I found out it spreads a lot, I decided I will put it in a pot. I have a smaller yard than you do.
If you want to link your foliage post to Pam's Foliage Follow-up, her link is on my post. I spent way too much time working on my post last night, though. I need to find some balance in my blogging.
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