My only blooming hydrangea seems happy. It's planted on the North side of the house and receives no direct sunlight.

Fragrant lilies purchased after Easter last year are blooming.

A new variety of cosmos is blooming. I'll be saving and scattering seeds to fill in the blank spots all summer.

Pink bee balm by the street is blooming. Carla's red bee balm, dug from my yard, is just starting to open. Mine is waiting.

The recent rains have sent the brugmansia into overdrive. All three returning yellow/orange plants from last year are about 2' tall. The leaves are getting large, just like last year.

There's a dehumidifier in the basement. I've got it running on a three hour cycle. The water is drying, slowly. Today, I'll be picking up the vinyl tile for the kitchen. I just finished some work for my former boss, giving me a little extra spending money. The white paint is sitting out waiting for me to get home from work this evening. I've already masked the edges of the small room off the kitchen. The plan is to have that much finished by the weekend.
Here in Alabama, we have had a wet last few days. I purchased some fertilizer for the front yard but will have to wait a day or two before I can put it down for fear of rain washing it away.
I have become very interested in hydrangea. I currently have twelve rooting with more to root this weekend - they are so easy to root.
Anyway, good luck with all your projects.
We've had similar weather lately. High humidity and pop-up thunderstorms on a daily basis make it hard to get stuff done outside. The cosmos is cool!
I want some pink and purple Monarda. We are in the afternoon thunderboomers here with fantastic lightning shows...I post large photos of my gardens was a little scary to do it..
we put our tea leaves and coffee grounds under the hydrangeas one entire winter and the blues went really deep - almost purple. I really love the Nehi Grape Purple that you can get that way. You might try it.
Atlanta is soaked, as well! At least the hydrangeas are loving life! And my partner is loving the fact that I'm actually getting stuff done INSIDE for a change!
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