The work in the hallway began in late 2007. A spackle texture and many coats of paint had to be scraped from the original wallpaper that was peeling and hiding cracks. It was a dirty job.

Not long after, I removed the trim that was damaged and replaced it. Since then, I have been living with a mix of MDF and pine trim. Today, I got at least 1 coat of paint on everything, including the walls.
Looking from the living room. The kitchen is to the left. The bright green bedroom that is my office is behind the closed door. I didn't feel like cleaning off my desk.

Standing in the bedroom door looking towards the living room, the bathroom has a six panel door and black hardware.

The door straight ahead opens to a small (very small) closet. The door on the right is the small bedroom.

The bathroom door represents what I want the finished product to look like. I think it looks updated, but still maintains the feel of the old house.

Coming out of the bathroom, the kitchen and several shades of green can be seen. I like green.

Before painting, I had to install toe moulding and finish the baseboards where the kitchen meets the hallway. All these corners are driving me crazy.

When this space is finished, I'll move on to the two bedrooms. I need to work on window trim and baseboards. It all needs to match what I did in the rest of the house. Eventually, I'll be finished and have the floors redone. Until then, a good cleaning and some liquid acrylic floor shine will have to do.
It's 95 degrees outside. I walked out a few minutes ago to refill the birdbaths. I'm exhausted now. I might do some more this evening, but for now, I have a test to study for.
You've come a long way baby! Looks good, we like green to, can you guess why?
Looks fantastic. I love 6-panel doors. You've really worked hard!
Excellent. I do woodworking and have had to deal with replacing base board as well as fabricating it, so I feel certainly qualified to say your work looks great (I have a preference for bold base moldings). Keep the photos coming.
You do beautiful work. I appreciate your determination to get it right. It all looks so good. It reminds me that I need to move on to the next room in my house, the kitchen, and get to work.
You're like the energizer bunny, Tom. But with tools instead of a big drum.... You go, guy!
Tom, it is looking great. I like the door style and agree it fits the house.
Thanks Ya'll. It's a labor of love. I'm just ready to have it all finished so I can start buying new furniture and decorating. I'm tired of living with hand me downs that aren't my style.
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