Black and Blue Salvia has really exploded this week.

Queen Anne's Lace snuck up on me this year.

Self sown petunias still look good. They get lots of shade until late in the afternoon.

The first Rose of Sharon. Purple will be along shortly.

It's 88 degrees and sunny. It's freaking hot.
What a nice walk through your beds on a cool day for me. I love the black and blue salvia, I never saw one before. It's very interesting. Nor have I seen an actual Rose of Sharon bloom. Queen Ann's Lace is so delicate and blooms prolifically in my brothers pasture. The cows don't touch it, our fortune.
Thanks for sharing your morning.
You are so right. The dreaded J. beetles showed up here just today. I can't think of an insect I hate more. The rose of sharon is a sweet taste of June though.
Love the black and blue salvia! So far I havent seen any beetles here yet. But I know they will be since you have them now. I have that same ROS, I also have Minerva. The white one is Red Heart.
Nice visitor on the butterfly bush. We haven't seen them yet, but it will not be long.
It's gonna be hot and sticky for a while, stay cool.
It's an amazing time, isn't it?
Last year, I was so disappointed that I had only a few ammi majus. This year, I'm seeing the stalks and blooms forming in several places. Perhaps the seeds wanted two years?
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