2:05pm - There is talk of setting a record here for the most days above 90 in the month of June. I remember the year I moved into this house. We were over 100 that July for 19 consecutive days. Coldest winter in a long time, longest heat wave in decades, something weird is happening this year. Thank goodness the AC is working again.
Castor Beans don't mind the heat.

The Malva Zebrina is blooming in spite of the Japanese Beetles.

Joe Pye Weed has buds.

And from the street, the house is less visible each day as the blooms take center stage.

It's 91 degrees. No rain expected. The potager was watered for an hour with the sprinkler this morning before work. It's hot out there.
Congrats on 3 years in your home. Your work and progress has been amazing. I enjoy reading your blog.
Happy anniversary Tom! There's no place like home... Ellen
Happy anniversary, Tom. Pat yourself on the back. All your hard work is paying off - the place is looking super, inside and out. :-D
Congratulations on your first 3 years! People only put so much work into homes that they love. :>)
Happy 3 year anniversary of living there at 7th St. Cottage. This is just the beginning and there's more to look forward to in the next three years, inside and out.
How time flies when you are busy...right? and you have been very busy.
Your weather is same as ours; I think we are setting a record for heat in June. We may set one for least rain! We also are being attacked by the most JB ever. I think all the leaves on the Elm trees are about gone. I hate those bugs with a passion.
Beautiful picture of the flowers with the house in the background.
Time flies when you're having fun!
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