The Stargazers are cracking. This year, they're almost 5' tall.

The centerpiece of the Crape Myrtle bed is blooming.

It's a hot pink.

The wall of butterfly bushes have grown in completely to block the backyard.

You have to turn the corner before you can see back here. It's filling in nicely. The meadow, not so much. As usual, click to embiggen.

It's 82 degrees, sunny, and muggy. The high today is forecast to reach the upper 90s. Someone mentioned 100 degrees at the store. In any case, it's going to be hot.
how long have you had the myrtle in that bed? Mine haven't bloomed yet, I put them in last fall, I'm wondering if I should be worried. All the other Natchez maples around here have bloomed, mine look to be the same size as the one in your photo.
I am not able to garden this year because we will be moving soon so I have enjoyed visiting your blog for a fix. Thanks
Jen, that crape is probably 40+ years old. It was taller than the house when I cut it down in 2008. It's slowly regrown to what you see. I've pruned a little here and there to keep it from being so floppy. They send up lots of suckers when you cut them down.
My stargazers gave out on me and I need to replant. A border collie in the back yard doesn't help so I will reinvest and put them somewhere else. Your flowers are looking great and the mist is probably good when you have all that heat.
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