In the garden, plants have flopped all over the place.

The tomatoes should have been staked a week ago. I'll be doing that as soon as the ground dries out enough to hold a stake. Each plant will be tied to a stake. It's too late to try any other method. I just hope I don't break them. I need to prune suckers too.

The gully refilled last night. From the looks of it, it overflowed.

The pussywillow cuttings I stuck into the moist soil this spring seem to enjoy the extra moisture.

Same with the cannas.

And the elephant ears are finally coming up.

Some rudbeckia made it without flopping.

Including a new brown/orange variety.

And I have squash blooms. There's one on just about all the plants. The sun is trying to poke through the clouds now, so hopefully the bees will come out to play.

It's 72 degrees. 80% chance of rain this afternoon with more thunderstorms likely. I guess there's no drought after all.
I understand about the rain, we have had a lot, which I love for the garden and yard, but my mosquitoes are getting worse and worse too here. Taking the bad with the good I guess, Gina
I'm thankful for the afternoon showers, although when you get a lot of rain in a short amount of time the plants do tend to bend some. I have some floppers around here too!
They'll either perk up or they'll stay there until I can collect seeds. I guess I just need to plant tighter. :)
We got a big storm last night not sure if we got more than an inch though. On Friday night all hell broke loose and yesterday we walked along the Eno River where we walked the river had to have came up 16-20 ft that only happens during hurricanes usually. Better too much than none at all.
Heavy rains are no fun to recover from! Sorry to hear about water in your basement, hopefully it isn't too bad. The rudbeckias looks great!
I am green with envy. I have sun, you have rain. We had less than 1/2" in April, less than 2" in May so we are dying. How about a trade? I'll send plenty of sun, you send a few inches of rain.
A drought-like early spring and now all this rain. The humidity is horrible. I hate to hear that you have an unwanted water feature in your basement.
It's foggy and humid here this morning. I think my yarrows will probably turn black any minute now!
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