They attacked the poppy seed pods near the mailbox. I pulled those plants yesterday to collect about a 1/4 cup of poppy seeds. Not all are ripe, but I should have enough to make a nice display next spring. They will be sown in the fall.

The bees are downright dizzy. The purple blooming veronica by the front walk is always a favorite.

The dusty miller I planted last fall attracts all sorts.

They call it bee balm for a reason.

It must be June. Suicide is painless. Keep eating those Four O'clocks.

The butterflies will be here soon. We're ready.

It's 64 degrees. The high today will be in the low to mid 90s. No chance of rain.
Didn't know Goldfinches would tear apart flowers like that. They are only here in winter and spring. So nice to see the bumbles working so hard. If you have a minute please come by and see if you know the first plant I posted today. Can't remember it's name.
Glad you were able to salvage some poppy seeds. Love the different shots of bees on your lovely blooms.
Have a great day and weekend.
I love the goldfinches and try to keep them year round.
La dame en rouge danse avec moi (hehe)
I have been trying for several years to attract goldfinches, but the only time I've seen them at my feeder was when we had snow on the ground. I've tried a couple of different feeders, including the nyjer seed bag, but no luck!
What a cute blog. I love how you update us on the weather, haha!
I have an ID on the plant it's Clerodendrum bungei. I have some red Breadseed Poppy seeds if you would like some. Mine grew about 4ft. and bloomed for months.
Email has been sent.
I found your site by accident and I just loved your blog.
These are superb pictures! Love them all!
It's really hard to pick my favourite.
And I also liked the tile of your post!
Tom you have some wonderful plant growing to draw in those bees and butterflies. Your butterfly bush blooms are o pretty. Ugh! Japanese beetles already. I will have to be watching for them then.
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