Pinks and reds have replaced the blues and purples of spring. Orange and yellow dot the landscape.

I've got them all over the yard. I'll buy more next spring. I missed my chance this year.

The hot pink Luna has joined the fray.

Turn of the Century is starting to get on my nerves. It's very floppy. This is the third year I've grown this plant and it just refuses to stand up. Maybe it needs more sun. The blooms are still worth it.

With a day off, and a high of 97 in the forecast with no rain, I'm heading to the lake. The parents brought it up yesterday. The challenge of photographing becomes more difficult. Do I want to show the firewood pile, or the big pink and cerulean boat parked in the driveway? What about the red of the truck. I think it clashes. Who cares? It's a boat. And yes, it will pull it out of the water at the end of the day, thank you very much.

Love the colors of your summer blossoms. A day on the lake sounds wonderful. Have a good time.
Okay, you garden, you ride "a Hog" and now you're a boat enthusist. Do you waterski also? It's 6 pm, the temp has dropped from 101 to 97 in last 30 min. the tree leaves are blowing, and we hear some rumbling of thunder off in a distance. Please God let it rain! Everything is parched here.
What lake will you go to with the boat?
Your flower beds are so full and colorful. I love them! I hope you had fun at the lake.
It was a very good day on Badin Lake. Had a little trouble with the boat, but I'm learning a lot about the engine every time I borrow it. Lots of fun, sun, and friends. Can't wait to get back out here again.
Looks like the worms like your Luna too. Spraying with soapy water kills them but they will return if you don't keep an eye on them.. Doesn't hurt the blooms at all tho. Beautiful
Only a man would make that last remark,and take that last photo!
Love it!
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