Mountain Bluet, the first wintersown plant to bloom, has reseeded all over the garden. It's true, I tossed out seeds haphazardly when I collected them earlier in the year. Seems they germinated best near the stone borders.

Cosmos have germinated all over too. The mountain bluet will withstand the winter. The cosmos don't stand a chance against even a light frost.

Another annual, Salvia subrotunda, has lots of babies.

I tossed out echinacea, rudbeckia, and other seeds in this area all summer. I wonder what I'll get next year. It's part of the fun, I think.

Echinacea seedlings in the crape myrtle bed out back from seeds sown almost a month ago. I scattered more seeds last week and yesterday. Some were white swan, some were plain purple.

Unknown seedling. It's popped up in clumps near the spring poppies. I don't think it's a poppy plant. Is it?

In the rose garden, a tomato was recently discovered. No fruits or blooms yet, it'll be cut down by the frost that will surely come in less than a month.

I hope my snow peas have a chance to bloom and fruit. I'll use a row cover if I have to. I love snow peas.

My hairy ball has gotten larger.

This winter will certainly see some differences in the garden. Where the old oak tree stood, sunlight now pours into the back yard and the perennial bed. Last year, the yard was still shaded this time of day. I may have to rethink some of the shade loving plants I had planned to fill a certain corner with.

More sanding in the kitchen today. I hope to get the final coat of mud on the walls and begin installing cabinets on Friday. I can't promise anything though.
Well,.....Had they a charming, witty, hard working category, you'da won. :)
LOL. It was nice to be nominated. Who won? I still haven't been able to get to the winner's page.
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