Lots of pokeweed.

Bindweed, Virginia creeper, and cannas. Now I know why one came up in the grass by the driveway.

Tree of heaven. LOTS of these.

And lots of mimosa seedlings.

And tomatoes? Yep. Several clumps. Next summer should be interesting as things grow back for sure.

I really like my cosmos. I wish I hadn't sown them where I planted roses.

Finally some ladybugs are appearing. The milkweed 10' away is covered with aphids and not a single ladybug in sight.

The pile at the end of the driveway is back to newly rooted cuttings and things I don't know where to plant yet.

It's cloudy and 75. Light sprinkles at 6am this morning. Rain in the forecast for this evening. Robert will be here around 3pm when I get home from work. I'm so ready to get started.
Your dianthus cuttings are coming along well. They are great for hanging over stones and walls.
I have lots of Poke coming up in the bed where the big stump was, and some tough weeds with dark green small leaves with prominent veins that Mama used to call 'tea weed' that I've never bothered to properly identify. Lots of chamberbitter, but no tomatoes or mimosas so far. There was one nicotiana that I whacked up before I recognized it. Oops! It all has to be taken out before planting, anyway. I'm leaving this project for cooler weather, but can't abide the huge weeds meantime.
I have every weed YOU grow! Except tomato.
Tom, you kitchen redo brings back memories. We did ours....had it done back in 2004. I did tear up the old linoleum myself down to the pine flooring. I went through layers of black tar paper and old news papers to get to it. Some of the boards were 16 feet long. We had it refinished. Being pine it gets lots of dings and dents and the filler in the cracks has long since been sucked up by the vacuum. I know there is almost full l" board underlayment crosswise underneath so the cracks are OK. Still have to vacuum rather than sweep.
Funny, we have the same weeds too!
Get rid of the Tree of Heaven. I had one on the other farm and the green blooms smelled like poison. I asked everyone around what it was; no one had any idea. It took years to finally identify it.
I saw two mimosa sprouts yesterday and poke is everywhere.
I am really enjoying the progression of your house and garden.
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