I got 9 16" pavers for $2.25 today. They were part of a display. We could have thrown them away. HA! I also got the two pallets I need for my compost bin.
In the garden, the tomatoes I planted out the day the lawnmower tried to take my leg off are growing nicely. We're going to be in the low 50s/upper 40s at night next week. Fine time for them to decide they want to live. I've already planted snow peas where some of them were. I'll let the peas climb the cages. I love snow peas.

Coming soon, another flush from the perennial bed brugmansias. This one is the only one that hasn't bloomed all summer in that bed. Another in the hydrangea bed has its first buds.

High today was 65. It's 64 and raining. Mid 80s tomorrow, more rain likely. I'm not complaining. Not at all, we need a lot of slow rain.
Same here, Tom. The sun came out for a few hours this afternoon, though.
It should be nice in a couple days. The tomatoes don't stand a chance though, unless I get a hoop house built soon.
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