In the yard, I planted two camellias I paid full price for. One is a japonica, the other a sasanqua. Don't ask me which is which, I've already forgotten. The red one had two plants in the same container, so I divided them before planting. It means a thinner shrub, but I can prune it later in life.

Meanwhile, I was enjoying the fragrance of the Osmanthus fragranseseses...however you make that plural. They didn't bloom this spring, but are really making up for it now. The whole house and yard smells delicious. Forgive the blur, my camera was not cooperating. I tried several times.

The wintersown butterfly bushes are blooming. I sowed seeds collected from 'Profusion White', my own no name purple, and Jackie's 'Black Knight'. I planted most of them around the edge of the yard. I'll collect seeds again this year, but will take cuttings of this one in particular. The true color is a deep magenta. It's got a touch of red in the morning sun.

Most range from light purple to lilac to the same purple I already had. A few came out white.

The last ones planted in the shrub island are the largest. The leaves really do hold moisture.

Remember when I said I wouldn't plant anything else in the shrub island until later this fall? Yeah, I knew I was lying when I said it too. It's filling in nicely. I'm hoping a few of the rooted gardenias find a home in this space. Silverberry cuttings are not doing well, but I hope one or two make it. I think I'm going to need a bigger bed.
I only have one butterfly bush. You seem to have many! BTW, so glad something I sent you lived.:)
it looks great!! i'd love to get some of the white butterfly bush seeds as well as the black knight. i have a couple that are the basic purple already, but haven't seen the darker and the white before!
glad you are feeling better and able to get out into the yard. we finally got rain and the plants are super happy! i've been pruning and re-doing a bed today in the drizzle. nice to work outside and be wet from rain and not sweat in 100+ degrees...haha!
I wish I could smell the Tea Olive through the computer:) I really need to add some of those to my garden. Your Buddleias are lovely.
Naturally I had to go outside and look at the Tea Olive. No blossoms, but little buds are forming. It needs attention; muscadine grapevine is reaching across it.
I'm envious of all the butterfly bushes -- they don't fare well here. I can root them fine, then they just die off. I make do with Vitex.
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