The Queen Anne's Lace, host to some caterpillars for a couple weeks, had stopped blooming. I pulled them this morning after a thorough search for critters. I transplanted a few volunteer Rose of Sharon. And I planted two Burning Bush shrubs that were marked down yesterday. Everything got a good dose of water. It doesn't look much different from a distance...

I moved all the shastas into the shrub island. They'll pout for a few days until they get settled in. I'll be adding more flowers going into next year around the edges. There will be more wintersowing, after all.

I planted Blue Girl behind the cosmos in what will someday be a glorious rose garden.

WOW! This Confederate Rose has really taken off. The cosmos were hiding it from the side I normally see. It's over 3' tall. It's probably not going to bloom this year.

After lunch, I moved into the kitchen. Robert is coming Wednesday afternoon to help with some of the work. The upper cabinets needed to come out. I'll pick up the parts I need tomorrow to cap the sink supply lines. All the plumbing will be replaced in the coming week, I hope.


It's 82 degrees and clouding. Rain is in the forecast for the next three days (30% or more chance). I hope we get it. I bet it rains all day Thursday while Robert and I are trying to get the cabinets moved upstairs.
I love your rock borders. Your garden is starting to hibernate, and after a nice sleep will give you joy once again.
I would have loved to have taken your kitchen cabinets off your hands.
Looking forward to seeing your new look in your kitchen. I'm sure it will look great!
Have a nice evening and a great day tomorrow.
Thanks FlowerLady. The cabinets were built in place, so they have no backs and the sides folded up on each other when they came down. I was thinking it would be nice to use them in the basement. No such luck.
Hey Tom,
Glad your leg is healing up and won't be too much of a bother when you work in the kitchen. Good luck with the project. We'll look forward to how the previous white bed turns out.
My castor bean plants are nearly 13' now and some leaves are 36" across. These guys scare me...LOL
It's healing, but slowly.
I can't wait to have the kitchen finished. It's going to take a long time, I already know that.
Save me some castor bean seeds. Mine got tall, but nowhere near that size leaves. Maybe 18" is the largest I have, even on a 12' tall plant.
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