Speaking of blue, Mystic Spires salvia has not performed well at all this year. I bought this plant from the clearance rack in 2008. I cut it back and it grew like crazy over the summer. I took cuttings and overwintered all three in the basement. The original plant did not return, but I have a feeling that moving it in December contributed to that. I won't bother with cuttings this year. If it returns, so be it. It's very floppy in its current home.

Paired with the salvia, the knockouts are blooming again. Poor Jim is probably clutching his chest as I mention these roses. I can't say anything bad about them. They've performed better than my hybrid teas.

A few months ago, I took a couple cuttings to show Cat how to root passionvine. I gave the rooted cutting to Carla as a thank you for all her help during the leg injury period. I need to take new cuttings to overwinter in case this one doesn't come back. I only have 4 shelves under lights. I have to be selective.

Another pineapple salvia seed has germinated.

The back yard is on its way to becoming an orchard. I'll add this Apache Blackberry on Friday. I've got two blueberries, a Belle of Georgia peach, a cherry tree, a fig (more to come with winter propagation), and the Thundercloud Plum that needs to be moved soon. Maybe I'll tackle that Friday too. I've already done some root pruning in anticipation. I'm going to need to dig a large hole though. Very large.

It's 55 degrees and sunny. Rain expected Friday evening and all day Saturday. No complaints. The cat is still curled up on the bed. Cool mornings make her old bones stiff.
11:46am - Three kitchen cabinets installed including the behemoth. When I ordered the cabinets, I requested white interiors. Shenendoah has recently quit that option, so they are maple. Tomorrow, I'd like to install the cabinet above the stove and the two 18" cabinets adjacent. That will be the last of the upper cabinets. The lower cabinets will get installed once the backsplash is done. I've got an idea for behind the stove since there is no microwave yet, but bead board will be used on either side for sure.

Evil and bad luck lurks around the corner. She just has to inspect my progress. I know she's wondering where her food bowl will end up.

4:30pm - Lowe's is having a deal this weekend on Olympic paint. Combining the store wide discount with my employee discount, I managed to pick up 3 gallons of white and two sheets of laminate for just a tish over $100. Thanks to the NC Dept of Revenue finally getting my tax refund mailed, I was able to do it. It only took them 5.5 months. Efficiency at its finest.
Hi Tom,
Love the cabionets!
I saw you left a message on Nell jean's blog saying you couldn't work out how to pick up messages on Blotranical. just go to Blotanical and click on log in. log in with your username and password - that will take you automatically to your "plot". scroll down, and about half way dowb the page you'll see a tab called "Mesages". click on it and you'll see them all.
Hope it works!
Whoops - cabinets and mesages. Shouldn't send message after I've had my pre-dinner glass of wine ....
Thanks Sue. I've figured it out now. I just haven't had a lot of time to visit lately. I'll get back over there this winter.
I have seen gorgeous mass plantings of knockout roses. At entrance and exit ramps on interstate highways....where they belong.
Oh snap! I knew Jim would come through. :)
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