Double pink rose of sharon. The Magnolia will be moved this fall once the dead oak tree is cut up. There's a house I can see from my bedroom window, with a security light.

Lord Baltimore hardy hibiscus.

Cherry Brandy hardy hibiscus. This of the same name as the rudbeckia actually has red blooms and nice purple foliage in full sun.

Hilda's upright elephant ears. I'm getting confused as to the botanical name.

A trio of Salvia greggi, Furman's Red.

I gave her my mandevilla in the hanging basket. She gave me a gallon sized ziplock full of ripe figs from her yard. She borrowed the truck. I watered everything in. I set up the sprinkler in some areas. I hand watered other items. In the meantime, I had removed the tomatoes and planted two kinds of cabbage, Stonehead and bok choy.

After Carla came back with the truck, I set out 15 heucheras purchased for $0.25 a piece. Clearance racks are evil. I have 5 more, already have a plan for them, just couldn't get it done today.

The leg is screaming at me. Walking up and down the slopes of the backyard, bending over, moving things, etc have taken their toll on me. I plan to spend the rest of the afternoon sorting seeds from chaff or napping. I think we know which one I will choose. I strained and rinsed the tomato seeds this morning. They've been spread out to dry on the windowsill.
The pile at the end of the driveway is smaller than before. We also planted out the final Confederate rose and I put 4 4-inch mums in the hanging basket by the front door. I didn't actually get the basket to the front porch, so it's hanging on the hook the mandevilla used all summer.

This morning, while having my second cup of coffee, I took this picture. The "orange" rose really likes this location. The cosmos were sown sometime in July. I really shouldn't have done that.

When everything was done, I set the whirligig sprinkler in the cabbage patch. I sat down in my chair across the way and watched. Hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, all sorts of flying critters swooped in and out to catch a bit of moisture. Someone nearby was using a weedeater. C-130s from the Air Force base circled the town sometimes passing over the house. Bird hopped from limb to limb. I saw a hummingbird take a sip from the Red Texas Star on the right, just to the left of the Rose of Sharon.

Click to embiggen.
It's 77 degrees, sunny, and nice. 63 was the overnight low.
I need a Carla. I can dig my own holes and do my own work, I just need someone to see what I miss and think of things I don't.
It was good that you took time to sit and watch, and listen, and reflect and enjoy.
oh, come on Tom! Knock it off with the Fall stuff already. You're killing my summer denial buzz. ;-)
It's looking gorgeous. I'm jealous of 25 cent heucheras! I'd have emptied the racks of them! I love that salvia gregii, I planted one recently and the hummingbirds found it right away. Take care of your leg!
I know what you mean Nell. It was nice getting another opinion and having someone to talk to besides myself out there. And the sitting, well, it's nearly as important as the doing some days.
LeSan, it's supposed to be 85 again today. It's 54 this morning though.
Thanks Catherine. I bought two trays. I thought I would leave a few for others who like them as well. :)
YOU GOT 15 HEUCHURAS FOR 25 CENTS EACH!!! (Kris weeps bitter tears of envy.)
P.S. Verification word is FATED (more bitter tears)
25¢ for each heuchera...color me jealous...and btw...i love the orange/pink's so perfectly cottage gardenesque...that happenstance, by chance sort of combo always seems so carefree and charming to me
The 'orange' rose is beautiful. Take care of the leg.
embiggen :D
The upright EEs should be Alocasias.
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