This is what they looked like this morning. I've been ignoring them. As Nell says, labeling them ensures failure.

Pyracantha - I lost several, but two rooted.

A gardenia cutting.

Snowball viburnum - all three rooted.

I potted them into gallon sized pots using a fast draining cow manure compost. Broken bags, half price.

On July 2, I potted up the hydrangeas that I rooted in my homemade cloning machine. They're ready to be potted up again and should be planted out in early September. I'll move them to 1 gallon nursery pots this afternoon. They'll get the same cow manure compost as the others. It'll give me nice growth, without the likelihood of burning the tender roots using chemical fertilizers.

Here's the variegated hydrangea I rooted without really trying. I wish all plants were this easy.

And a variegated sedum I got from a customer at the store. I took another clump of her sedum in exchange for some low growing bamboo.

Then I spent an hour cutting up more of the fallen oak tree. Most of the branches you see are more than 16" in diameter. My dad will be coming up in a few weeks with a larger chainsaw. He's considering bringing the small tractor to pull the limbs out of the woods and into the yard. If he does, I'll get him to till the gully area where I want to plant a garden next year.

I promised Cat I would show her how to take cuttings of passionvine. I haven't forgotten. I've got a list of things I plan to make more of. I'll do that this afternoon. There will be pictures.
Oh, excellent! They look very healthy :). I wish I had a few of those logs to make some mason bee homes and some natural flower pots!
All your cuttings look very healthy. Kudos! Look at the amount of wood in that beautiful tree! Can you burn it in your home?
Tessa, I was just thinking the other day it would be nice to drill some holes in the parts that remain in the woods for the bees. I need to refresh my memory about the size of the opening. I'm thinking it's 5/16". Where's Kris? She'll know. ;)
Nancy, I do burn wood in the basement heater in the winter. So, the wood will be put to good use over the next couple of years.
Next time, try to use the baggy method.
Looks like you be warm this winter.
Great work with your cuttings!! I have a few going that look good (knock on wood). I am interested in seeing how you do the passionvine.
i feel mentioned me! haha thanks for the tutorial, i will definitely be trying this out. my neighbor also offered some vines with roots, i just have to dig them out. ;) xoxo
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