I found a new rudbeckia.

After a quick trip to Carla's for more gardenia cuttings, I potted up several rooted cuttings from the cloner and stuck more. These include Luna Red and Turn of the Century hibiscus, two vitex, an oak leaf hydrangea, and a few other odds and ends. The gardenia cuttings went into the cloner. It's still only half full.

Then I went out to the potager and pulled the rest of the corn, raked the soil and scattered seeds for collards and mustard. I really don't eat much of either, except in their raw form, but I need to grow something. Don't blame me, I don't make the rules.

I also pulled two rows of tomatoes that were done weeks ago. In their place, I planted the rooted cuttings of Beefsteak, Green Zebra, and Celebrity. Four of each, I set the sprinkler out. These were stuck on August 8.

Lots of roots.

I checked on the rest of my veggies and took a few more pictures. I also picked a few things.

Yellow pear, my favorite cherry sized tomato.

My bumper crop of beans. Yes, these are the only two so far this year.

My only pumpkin so far.

I still had about an hour before I needed to head inside to work on the drawings my former boss has asked me to do. I pulled the lawnmower out of the garage and set to work mowing the back yard. Less than 5 minutes into it, the mower kicked up a rock and I was bleeding. I crawled back to the house, wrapped the wound in a towel, and tried not to think of how hard it's going to be to walk on Thursday when I go back to work.
Three hours later, the bone is bruised, but not broken. The bleeding has stopped. I've got my leg elevated so the foot is asleep. I'm hungry. My harvest is still sitting downstairs on the table in the basement. *sigh*
well????? How's the leg? Are you gimpy?
Yeah we had the same thing with Heavenly Blues two years ago. All 6 plants bloomed a large white. Your garden looks great!
I've had some things not be the color the packet said, too. Hey, I hope your foot heals soon.
Hope the foot is better. Maybe that's a sign that you should lose the grass and expand the garden! I'm interested to hear if the tomatoes are successful. i'm in zone 8 and had terrible luck this summer. Not sure I want to try for a second planting.
4 stitches, a prescription for Lortab, and a bruised shin bone. Ordered off my feet for at least 3 days. No problems with that. Hurts like &$^#!
The bleeding started again while I was napping. I couldn't walk when I woke up. Managed to drag myself to the emergency room this evening. Glad it's only a mile away.
Thanks Randy. Last year the packet was Scarlett O'Hare. It was a fuchsia colored bloom.
Thanks for the well wishes Sue, Been watching them tear up your yard. At least you have more space to plant. LOL!
Bloomin, I've never tried tomatoes this late in the season either. Some of my indeterminates are still producing, so I said why not. We'll see if they produce before the frost.
Tom - Hope you feel better soon!
- Daisy
Tom - glad you finally went to the emergency room. I know those bone bruises take forever to heal. Hope you have someone to help you in the garden for a couple of days....
Take care -- and take your meds!
Jeez, your injury was worse than mine. About a month ago, I was mowing with the big riding mower, zero-turn; ran it under an old wooden picnic table so I wouldn't have to trim......ran it too far under, lifted the table, it dropped back down on my shin bone pinning my foot under the brake pedal. So I am supporting the weight of the table on my leg and can't lift the thing off because of my foot being wedged. I finally was able to sort of bow the old bench part of it just enough to slide out my foot. I had a huge knot on the bone, but didn't break the skin too badly. I still have a reddish bruise that has a perfect rectangular shape like a straight line had been drawn across my leg. Won't be 'trim' mowing like that again.
Rocks are the worst. I have broken windows out of the barn with the darned things.
Your garden is looking great. Be interesting to see how the late planted things do.
Our normal frost date is Oct. 20, so we are running out of time here.
Take it easy on the leg.
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