The largest castor bean is about 10' tall. It's the one in the perennial bed. It gets more sun than all the others.

Yvonne's salvia. These were started indoors in late February.

Sunday's picture.

I've been really lazy the past few weeks in regards to collecting seeds. With several hot days and no rain in the forecast, I hope to get back on track. There's a lot of seed ripe for the picking. Cosmos, rudbeckia, and four o'clocks are dropping seeds like crazy. The Salvia subrotunda and S. Coral Nymph is ready too. I bet there's more if I just took the time to look around.
It seems to me that people should be stopping their cars at your house to admire the beautiful work you have done. You have boundless energy.
I could not believe the size of your salvia. Wow. Is that your arbor covered in something next to your driveway? That sure didn't take long. What is covering it?
Enjoy those lovely gardens of yours. You've done a fantastic job.
Thanks Jim. I just can't stand to be bored. And I do love working in the yard.
FlowerLady, the vine covering the trellis is Red Cardinal Climber. I bought seeds this year since my collected ones didn't germinate. I used to grow it over the fence of my condo. It seems to grow about a foot a day in July. It's just starting to really fill out with blooms. The hummingbirds love it. It's related to the Cypress Vine that Nell grows, but is much more vigorous.
I am glad you finally got some rain. We had a half inch last night and it was welcomed. Your gardens are really shaping up.
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