In the yard, the Heavenly Blue morning glory on the trellis is blooming. The Cardinal climber isn't putting on a great show. A few blooms every day is all I've seen. A hummingbird almost took my ear off this morning as I walked under it. Territory, I know.

The volunteer morning glory on the chimney is still not blooming.

At the base of the chimney, the knockouts, salvia (Blue bedder & Mystic Spires), and veronica are performing well. Next year should be better. Somewhere in this bed, I planted clumps of Spider Lilies. They should be appearing soon.

More blue bedder salvia is in the perennial bed. I need to start looking for seeds.

The biggest disappointment all season: Cherry Brandy Rudbeckia. Just plain ugly. The picture doesn't do it justice. It's a washed out orange color with a dried blood center. Not an attractive flower. I'll save seeds, but plant it out back.

This was supposed to be milkweed. Any ideas?

Finally, the Ecuador Whites are almost done. A new bloom opens about every other day. The real show ended a few days ago. The next flush of blooms are about 1/4" long. If they're going to see the next full moon at the end of the month, they'd better hurry.

Time to shower and shave. Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go. I'm taking two rooted figs and one Turn of the Century hibiscus with me. Customers have agreed to trade a few things like daylilies for them. Aren't gardeners great?
almost forgot... I sprayed a gallon of glysophate around the gully where I want to do something next year. English ivy and vinca major run rampant back there. Baby trees of heaven (hell) are sprouting all over. Other wayward shrubs and trees are growing quickly too thanks to the sunlight they get now that the oak tree is gone. Mom and Dad will be coming up in a couple weeks to help. Dad has a 36" bow saw that should reach all the way around even the largest parts of the tree. Can't wait to see what that area looks like with the tree removed. The wood will be stacked between the two trees where the hammock hangs. Too many skeeters to enjoy it this time of year anyway.
That is a butterfly weed. They make interesting seed pods.
milkweed and butterfly weed are the same..;) there are different types, but that is most definitely milkweed/butterfly weed..:) i have the same growing in my front bed.
and boohoo on you not painting for me..hehhe would cost me alot in a plane ticket though so you win! LOL
Butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa). My mom has seen Monarch cats on hers a couple years back....
That chimney bed where you need a spiller over the wall. IMHO, you cannot beat Bath's Pinks. Easy to root, can stand some drought. Pink blossoms early spring, glaucous foliage year 'round.
I started with a single pot, have lots of it now. Sometimes when it is really wet here, some will die out, but I just root more and replace.
Great photos. I like your paint you mixed. It looks so great with the white woodwork. That morning glory will surprise you and just start blooming all of a sudden all over. I remember that it is closer to fall before they start in our area.
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