The perennial bed is starting to look ragged and very overgrown. I just can't bring myself to pull plants yet even though I know some really ought to come out. I'm waiting for the seed, yeah, that's the ticket.

The white hibiscus has a red center and did not come true.

The Coreopsis "Full Moon" will continue until frost if I keep it deadheaded. In full sun, several plants are trying to set seed. This one in the shade is hanging on.

My poor brugmansias. The show is nearly over. They wilt like this every day until the sun passes over the house. Around 3pm, they're back in the shade and perk up quickly.

Watering is on the agenda this evening when I get home from work. I need to spend some time constructively staring (and swatting mosquitoes) in the white bed. I'm not happy with it at all. Not even the daturas are blooming well with the little rain we've gotten since June.

I hear you Tom about not wanting to get outside to work in the heat. My gardens have become overgrown and I'm having to trim, weed, etc. just to keep everything in check. All that rain we had a while back made everything grow like weeds.
I love that white hibiscus with the red eye.
Have a great week.
FlowerLady zone 10 s.e. FL
We have had a couple of nice warm days after weeks of miserable weather. Whilst it lovely that it isnt rain it was too hot today to work in the garden but you dont like to complain.
Seems to me you might need to rethink the plants in the white bed. Or improve the soil some more?
I could write the same as FlowerLady. I am going to go out and get those weeds but I have to regroup a little. The heat is so harsh on everything. You've kept up the good fight so if you take a day off it won't be too bad.
FlowerLady, let me know if you want seeds or a rooted cutting. I'll stick them in a couple weeks when this flush is over.
I improved the soil back there in the white bed this winter. I treated it the same as all the other beds. It slopes more than any other, so most of the rain just slides right off. It's one area that I think planting shrubs may be the best idea. I have a couple rooted vitex cuttings....
LD, I still have to go out to water. I know it's late in the day to be doing it, but I'm trying to let the sun sink behind the trees in front of the house. I can't stand being out there holding the hose after being at work on concrete for 8 hours.
Yep, August is a tough month for the garden to look it's best...I usually throw my hands up and just wait it out til Sept. when the fun bigins with planting fall mums. Especially having just gotten back from vacation...the weeds here are (....this....) tall!!
Hit 87 here Sunday - warmest day yet this year. High humidity and 20-25mph winds just wilted most everything, including me. I should be weeding, but suddenly remembered I should be doing stuff inside. Honest. Important stuff. Yeah, that's the ticket. Let's see if my A/C still works.... ;-D
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