I can see the perennial bed from the front porch. I wish it were larger so I could put a chair out there. The roof needs to be rebuilt. Someone covered it with vinyl siding and metal flashing years ago. The wood is rotting underneath. In any case, here's the view.

The McDonald's sweet potato vine is doing great.

I managed to get out to collect Yvonne's salvia seeds before the rain comes. I hope the clouds bring us a couple inches worth. I've got dying pyracantha that I planted a few weeks ago. I've already lost three azaleas. My loropetalum, moved from the front bed, is drying up in the white bed. Lots of annuals have gone to the great garden in the sky. Perennials seem to be taking it in stride. The brugs are looking tired, even without sun on them. A nice heavy rain would be great to wash away all the misery of the final days of summer.
It's 75 degrees and cloudy. The sun breaks through every now and again. I'm sitting here waiting for the day to turn to night.
Good afternoon Tom ~ Wow, I love your garden. It seems like only yesterday you were waiting to plant all of your winter sown plants, now look, and it's almost time for things to go to sleep again. Hope you get some rain. We had a doozie of a thunderstorm yesterday with lots of rain too. Right now it is 89 and feels like it's 109. There is a really nice breeze though and the clouds are gathering for another round of stormy weather.
Hope your leg is feeling much better.
The McDonalds potato vine. I just love the sound of that. RFLOL
I had to chuckle when reading this morning's post. I, too, have a Japanese maple that is just sitting there waiting for the leaves to fall off!
Clearly your mood improved by this afternoon....the vinyl siding is falling off, the roof leaks, we're in a national recession.....let's all go steal plants from McDonald's drive through! A man after my own heart!
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