In exchange for a rooted cutting of Turn of the Century, a customer at the store brought me 8 clumps of unidentified daylilies. She said I would be impressed next year when they bloom. I scattered them through the perennial bed yesterday after work. I also planted three clearance Black and Blue Salvia plants. They're past the bloom stage, but a little pinching should give me one or two blooms before the frost takes them down. Although we sell them as annuals, they're supposedly cold hardy to 0*F. We'll see.
For the top of the wall in yesterday's post, I like Nell's idea. I don't have Bath's Pink dianthus, but I have many clumps of Pink Maiden dianthus. They were wintersown and have bloom sporadically since spring when they put on their big show. Instead of saving seed, I scattered them around hoping for reseeders. I should be able to divide these clumps in the fall.

10:35am - lunch (breakfast). It drizzled a bit this morning at the store. No rain in the forecast. Partly cloudy now at 73 degrees. Very humid.
I collected seeds from the purple morning glory I tossed out around the China fir and along the edge of the gully. I also collected seeds from the red castor bean.

The green castor bean by the street is taller than the Thundercloud Plum.

Turn of the Century is blooming again. Magnus in the background.

The knockouts are flushing again too. Must be the rain.

Mr. Lincoln. I broke one of the blooms off accidentally last week. I've stuck it in soil to see if I can root it.

Coleus, impatiens, and hosta. All wintersown. Doing great.

Heading back to work. This evening I might try to till the corn/bean area for my fall veggies. Best planting days are August 17-18.
Here's a tip. Cuttings from dianthus pinks fare better than dividing, in my experience.
Pinks look as if they should have roots all along the ground. Actually when you pull one, there is this one root at the center, and not much to divide, except for all that top growth. Little pieces pulled off anywhere root in a hurry and grow off fast. Even big pieces can be laid in a big pot and soil placed in strategic places to start lots of new roots. Soon tiny leaves are springing up all through the pot.
I think the Bath Pink will 'spill' over the wall better than the ever blooming variety shown in the photo above. I have both and the ever blooming stands direct in my garden. If you want, I can send you cuttings.
Jim, that would be fantastic. I thought when I bought my pink maiden seed that I was getting bath's. The names had me confused as I didn't realize there was that much difference. Thanks again Nell, I love this idea and the plants I've seen online are gorgeous.
One of these days, I'm going to preview what I write to check spelling!
I was going to get rid of some on my walkway as it is trying to grow together from the opposite side. Just let me know when you want it.
Anytime, Jim. Thanks again.
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