A bird deposited nandina so red it's nearly black in the sun.
A leatherleaf mahonia on the other side of the dead oak tree.
Another one in the gully.
Oranges still trying to ripen before the wind and rain (possibly snow) take them down.
I wonder who was living here when this one fell? The rotted stump is where I planted shastas, bamboo, and forget me nots in the perennial bed.
Next year's Rose of Sharon seedlings.
A very cold camellia.
A fancy leafed English ivy that's nearly overtaken this maple.
Catbriar (smilax) with berries that the birds love to spread.
It will offer the lucky pair that takes refuge in the house I built for them some protection from the neighborhood cats.
The intricate patterns of strangling vines.
Long ago, this pine was the victim of a lightning strike.
The bark tells me it won't be long before it falls to the ground. I wonder if I'll notice.
The seeds of Miscanthus "Cosmopolitan" against the blue sky.
Finally, something new, that I didn't plant, poking out of the leaves in the former white bed corner.
I just wanted to take a closer look at some things today. I've spent so much time planning the big picture lately. It's 45 degrees and sunny.
Tomorrow I got back to work until Saturday. I'm going to miss being outside, in my own yard.
What a difference it makes to back up a little and look from another angle! Fun post. Can't believe you have greenery pushing through the earth. Dang.
It is so easy to overlook such beauty.....Love your photos, is that a Hyacinth that you did not plant?
Tom that leatherleaf is quite nice. Is it a member of the holly family? I see you already have a hyacinth poking up. What a great promise of spring...
Heather, I've had hyacinths coming up in the perennial bed since early December. That's normal for us here. Just a bit of cold and they sprout.
Darla, there are so many things planted in the ground here that I'm sure I'll be finding plants til I leave this property. It used to be a very extensive garden. There are camellias in the woods. One is over 6' tall.
Kris, it's in the Barberry family. It reseeds quite a bit. There are plants scattered all through the gully and wooded areas around the house. In a few months, there will be dark blue berries with seeds that the birds eat. I think it's also known as Oregon grape.
Lots of hyacinths, no daffs yet. They're late this year.
Hi Tom,
I enjoyed your observations. It's so cool how new learning is built on top of old learning. I had never heard of mahonias until this week, and now, have seen 3 of them on different blogs. I'm thinking if I saw it somewhere, I'd either remember what it was, or at least, that I had seen it before.
That cold camellia photo stood out to me as quite beautiful. The dark foliage of the nandia is pretty, too.
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