I've got an idea about the garden "gate".
The lone deep purple castor bean is finally beginning to bloom. I have no hopes of seed from this plant.
And someone is determined to stay in bed all day.
It's sunny and 54 degrees. The morning low was 39. A heavy dew is covering everything. The high today should reach the mid 70s again.
11:36am - It's 64 degrees and warming quickly. The arbor in the perennial bed has been cleared of dead vines. The trellis on the chimney got cleaned too. While cleaning the gutters, I realized I had my camera in my pocket. So now, for something completely different...

click to embiggen.
The meadow garden just got a whole lot bigger.
3:31pm - I cleaned the bird feeders and refilled them with fresh seed.
I made a wire arbor from the grapevine trellis for the backyard gateway.
I moved a couple of birdhouses to better locations, further from another.
I sowed some seeds from Cornus florida and Calycanthus floridus. I topped them with sand. I can't remember why, but I've read it's good to do.
I took apart the leafblower, again. One bolt had wriggled lose and it would not start due to lack of compression. I got it all back together again and collected a sack of leaves from Larry's yard. I spread them beneath the thundercloud plum. It needs a new fan/blade. It's not shredding like it should. I need to remember to avoid the sticks and twigs. I also cleaned the bird bath.
All in all, it's been a simply stunning day as I pay no attention to the trim that needs to be caulked and painted.
The chickadees have already found the feeders. The doves will be along shortly.
Beautiful colors!!! Love the fence, and gate to come...you have a sleepy head there. It's gorgeous out today..
Hey, that shot from the roof is great. Gives a good view of your extensive gardens and future projects. And, do my eyes deceive me? Were you really cleaning gutters? Or just sitting up there with yet another cup-a-joe? LOL
Yes Kris, I was cleaning the gutters. You know that flooded basement problem, yeah...if I clean the gutters, I don't have near as much water as when they're full of leaves.
The potential for your gate is exciting as the two side fences invite you to create something special. Your shots of the area are great. I like seeing blue sky as we have been gray, really gray, for the past two days. It is cold her of course at a high of 40 degrees.
I've already partially installed the arch over the gateway. I did it today. I need some more "weigh" to it. It's rather flimsy and unassuming at the moment. In my head, I've already planted morning glories to run along the fence and across the arbor.
As Darla said, it's a beautiful day today.
Tom, I just love your place and all the things you have done and are doing. I did "embiggen" the photo, and enjoyed the spectacular view of the property! I'm glad you made it down safely.
(I sometimes enjoy the words that pop up for verification. This one is, "dewop". Cool!
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