Oh, what to plant here?
Some pictures were taken yesterday. Like the dianthus pinks maiden that are blooming again.
The "orange" rose.
Mountain bluet
And a camellia. I thought this was C. japonica, but it's got to be sasanqua, right? Where's Nell?
I planted a few plugs of Little Bluestem in the meadow garden. I hope it does take over.
7 lantana cuttings got potted this morning.
Two white, 5 Miss Huff. I'm starting to think the seeds I got were mislabeled. Miss Huff is supposed to be sterile. So maybe this isn't Miss Huff after all, but another lantana. That's fine. I like the flowers.
I've spread some broken bags of mulch on the rear bed where I pulled out ivy yesterday, half price and all. I'll spend most of the day today raking leaves in Larry's yard and shredding them. I'll be mulching the north beds where hosta, ferns, and cherry laurels live. I'll scatter a little here and there around the house too. I think I may just use the lawnmower to collect them into rows. There's a LOT of leaves out there in his yard.
It's 48 degrees with a high of 78 in the forecast. A bagel and coffee before heading out.
1:13pm - I've collected and bagged 3 sacks of leaves from Larry's yard. The sack is a queen sized bed sheet folded in half and sewn together. I put one against the stone wall on the north side of the house. The other two were spread in the back yard behind the upper potager and over the mulch I spread this morning. I just think it's more consistent looking.
While cutting the grass (mulching leaves), I noticed that I have defined edges. I like edges.
The high has been raised to 84 degrees. It's 72 and sunny.
What about an ornamental grass for that spot? Not one that is too large though.
I love that circle bed. I'm not sure about the camillia. I know the sasanqua are in bloom in NC.
Your panoramic cropped photos really show that you have worked hard to get the design right. Your yard and gardens are great.
Your gardens/yard are a paradise!
When you shred the leaves, do you use them as mulch then? Or dig them into the soil? It was sunny and 70 degrees here today and everybody seemed to be out enjoying it, after being cooped in all week from the rain. Do you have a picture of what Miss Huff lantana looks like? I had a yellow one this summer, it was called Pot of Gold. I'd love to find that one that has some purple/lilac in it next year, kind of multi-colored. Don't know the name of it. Maybe you or somebody else will know.
It is my understanding that most sasanqua have darker green leaves than the winter blooming camellia.
Little Bluestem is a great host plant for many kinds of grass skippers. Why do you think they call them grass skippers, Little Bluestem grass. Enjoy the additional butterflies in your garden.
Thanks ya'll.
Betty, I just mulch with them. Most of them will break down over the winter. Those that don't will be turned in with new plantings, divisions, moving, etc. In late March any remaining leaves will be raked off and chopped with the lawnmower.
Randy, I've got lots of skippers already. I'm happy to invite more. The blooming camellia has huge leaves, very dark and opaque.
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