But for now, I have work to complete on the model downstairs. I'll deliver it on Monday. Before that, I took a walk in the yard. I got my sun. It's 72 degrees and absolutely gorgeous.
Seeds in the hoophouse: zinnia, morning glories, sunflowers, etc.
Osmanthus fragrans is putting out new growth. They should bloom soon. The smell is intoxicating.
Wintersown nicotiana sylvestres
Wintersown zinnias - mix and 'red spider'
Rudbeckia collected and started last October 11. Overwintered in the hoophouse.
The Thundercloud Plum is leafing out. Still blooming.
Buddleia Davidii has new growth. This one was a pruned branch from my two year old plant. I stuck it in the soil last fall when I pruned it. I have several others that are also putting out new growth from pruned branches.
North Bed hostas.
Photinia fraseri
The front "lawn"
Even after 4 days of rain, the vinca major is not doing too well on the front slope. I should trim the growth back to the ground to give it time to recover from being yanked out of the ground.
I love these pink flowers. I don't know what it is.
There are some yellow ones too.
The red dogwood is blooming.
It's 72 degrees and absolutely gorgeous.
Oxalis rubra is the pink flower. Oxalis stricta is the yellow one. Thanks gwenavyre!
Congrats to you!!!!!!!! That is wonderful. A job you love and discounted plants.....whats not to like!
I don't know what those tiny purple and yellow flowers are, though they grow as a weed in my yard...and could be a weed. But they are PRETTY weeds, and a pretty weed is ok with me.
Glad to see the blue skies. We finally have blue skies here as well. I think we have been on the same band of rain for the past fews days.
Have a dirt-y weekend
Sounds like an awesome job- 2 days off a week and a weekend off a month? I'll be lucky to get one day off during the week in the spring; might get s weekend or two off in the summer.
72 Degrees? We'll be lucky to hit the upper 50's tomorrow!
Those are two different types of Oxalis, it is edible and tangy sour!
Hey, great news. Congrats!! Better to be the 'live' guy than, well, the alternative, huh? LOL
Glad to see you're moving up in the world! I bet you've wanted this for awhile!
Thanks everyone. And thanks gwenavyre for the identification of my "weeds". I moved a clump last year to the perennial bed, it's gotten massive. I remember it blooming almost all summer.
Tom- the humanity has been kind to you! If you have to go to work, you might as well have the opportunity to find things that may harbor a discount. I love a good discount. When I worked for the other big box home improvement store in college I got the price changes across my desk first, that led to some dandy purchases of clearance items. Best of luck! Congrats on the promotion and raise.
Congrats!! You must be very happy.
The pink flowers are oxalis and I think it's oregana. I have them in my yard and love it.
Hi Tom,
Have a good time at your job. I enjoyed the yard walk, and I thought those were oxalis, too. I didn't know you could eat them, though.
Tom, I saw you at work last Friday, but you were busy so didn't bother you. I will check for the mark down plants.
Thanks again. Rebecca, if you're waiting for me to not be busy at work, you won't ever get the chance to say hi. LOL. Just stop in some time. Right now we have our pansies on clearance. And some alternantheras that someone forgot to water. Oops. :)
Congrats Tom. What a great job! I'm sure you'll come home with some wonderful goodies for your gardens.
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