Out back, the red clover in the meadow has burst forth.

The peach tree is still blooming. I got buzzed by a couple of bees this afternoon.

The redbud is about to put on a show.

More periwinkle. The whole backyard is covered in blue flowers.

Out front, the daffodils are looking good. Over the next few years, I will add more each fall, either from purchases or through digging my own from The Wild. One day, I'll rebuild the ugly steps. I'm waiting for a sale on concrete.

In the perennial bed, lilies.


The dark maroon tip of a stargazer has emerged from the leaves.

Green and variegated sedum foliage is holding up fine to both wind and cool nights.

Bloody Dock.

The only brown patch left in the yard is designed to be that way. Compost and leaf mulch will be spread soon over cardboard to create the new fragrant bed.

It's 64 degrees and sunny. The wind has been blowing all day. Tomorrow, 75. I can't wait. I already need a nap.
Enjoy your two days off! The garden is looking pretty great already!
I really like the looks of the bloody dock! I have never seen it growing before.
The only thing about spring that I don't like is the wind.
It is beautiful here today too.
I burned off the grass bed.
I plan to Tim, if the cold I'm taking doesn't bother me too much.
Glenda, the bloody dock can reseed heavily, I'm told. I keep the flower stalks cut from mine. I've never seen it bloom. I just divide it each spring. This year, I created 8 new plants. I lost a couple of small ones over the winter, but the original plant is doing great. It looks nice as a border plant.
Wonderful entry Tom. the periwinkle are charming. Do the Bloody Dock flower or do you grow them just for their wonderful leaf? I have to have some. What zone do they require?
Have a wonderful day
Dar, I think the bloody dock is hardy to zone 6. It got some winter damage this year from the cold, but it sprang back within a couple weeks of 60 degree weather. Rumex sanguineus is the botanical name if you want to look it up. Hardy to zone 6. I only grow it for the foliage.
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