So I moved all the big pieces of wood to the end of the driveway where they'll reside over the summer, no doubt collecting all sorts of critters and vermin. I brought the smaller pieces inside and split some as well. The next few weeks, I'll use it up overnight hopefully ending up with none by the time the weather finally warms.

All of my unsprouted 2-liters went into the garden bed that's not currently being used. They'll get more sunlight here, especially in the morning. I hope to see some activity in these soon.

The camellia that just won't quit. On the sunny side, all the blooms are brown and mushy. In the shade, they're huge. This one is nearly 4" across.

More color. Finally.

It wasn't much, but it did feel like I accomplished something. And I have my driveway back. One day next week, I plan to start a new bed. I'm going to need the planting space.
I know exactly what you mean about having to do something outside. I did the same thing. I think it only got up to the low 60's and felt colder because of the wind we're having. I weeded and trimmed and raked, hand watered and felt much better all the way around after that.
That camelia is gorgeous! What a lot of firewood. Nice to not have to pay for the wood.
I sure am looking forward to seeing your gardens this year, with all that you have winter sown.
Have a nice weekend and I hope you get to play in the gardens.
I'm feeling the same way right now. As soon as the sun is out, even though it's still cool, I go out and get something done. Moving all that wood is a lot of work, bet you weren't cold when you finished.
that's a lot of winter sowing! wow! I'm coming to see you when you decide you have too many plants. :-)
I worked outside this morning from 10-12. Went back outside from 2-4:30. This is perfect gardening weather! I just wear a heavy sweatshirt and jeans when it's sunny and 50's. We get a lot of solar heat here, though. It feels 10 degrees warmer than everywhere else.
That camellia looks like it could be Lady Clare. I was outside all day painting ceiling boards for the porch I'm building.
Tom, we are having the same kind of weather here and today is supposed to be even last!
I spent my outdoor time yesterday picking up the low-life redneck's trash of vodka bottles, beer bottles and fastfood containers from the ditches from our place to the corner. We got a full leaf bag. I wish I knew who was doing it! This is my pet peeve in life:Trash littered roads and highways.
I hope to get some gardening type things done today.
Wish I had that wood (split)!
Have a great day.
FlowerLady, on Sunday, I'll be out in the yard for sure. I'm hoping to pull back the cover on the hoophouse for a few hours if it's warm enough.
Catherine, I've been reading your blog. You're a month ahead of us at least.
Cameron, you know where I am. If you seriously want some plants, please do come by. Email me with a wish list if you have one. :)
Randy, I have no idea what the name of that camellia is. It's old, that's all I know. Lady Clare could be it, from the images I saw. It's hard to name camellias due to the number of varieties. Lady Clare is from the 1800's.
Glenda, I have the same problem with fast food bags being tossed into the street in front of the house. I wish I knew who was doing that too. I'd collect them all and take them home to them.
Moving forward is a positive. I found if I am just standing still I get really discouraged. You are staying ahead of it all.
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