If it weren't for clover and broadleaf weeds, I wouldn't have any "lawn". It's really greening up out there right now. The perennial bed is growing by leaps and bounds.
We've got rain in the forecast for this evening. At 69 degrees, that's going to make things pop. Three of 200 have bloomed with almost all the others showing buds.
Tom, I have the same problem. Our lawn is full of weeds. Maybe someday i'll just bring a landscaping box in, and start from scratch. Oh, it's been raining here throughout the night, but should stop in another couple of hours.
we have a lot of green too, but this weekend has been cold! only got to 45 yesterday and was 35 last night. got a ton of rain early yesterday morning as a storm rolled in full of wind, lightening and buckets of rain. today is suppose to get to about 60 but will be close to freezing tonight. i'm going to cover the veggie bed just in case.
after that we are going to have beautiful spring weather once again and hopefully everything will have survived this minor cold snap and continue to grow like it all did last week..:)
love the dafs! mine have flower heads but are not blooming just yet. of course i don't have 200! more like 20..hahah this year i am going to plant tons of bulbs..;)
Next fall, overseed the grass areas with annual ryegrass in late October or in November. My grass looks like it was planted for an Easter photo. The ryegrass will die back as soon as the sun gets really hot. It is a great cover crop.
My friend Sara refers to this type of lawn (yours and mine) as "vernacular Southern lawns."....it's much lower maintenance than turf, and the rabbits don't eat my hostas!
Tom, I have the same problem. Our lawn is full of weeds. Maybe someday i'll just bring a landscaping box in, and start from scratch. Oh, it's been raining here throughout the night, but should stop in another couple of hours.
we have a lot of green too, but this weekend has been cold! only got to 45 yesterday and was 35 last night. got a ton of rain early yesterday morning as a storm rolled in full of wind, lightening and buckets of rain. today is suppose to get to about 60 but will be close to freezing tonight. i'm going to cover the veggie bed just in case.
after that we are going to have beautiful spring weather once again and hopefully everything will have survived this minor cold snap and continue to grow like it all did last week..:)
love the dafs! mine have flower heads but are not blooming just yet. of course i don't have 200! more like 20..hahah this year i am going to plant tons of bulbs..;)
Next fall, overseed the grass areas with annual ryegrass in late October or in November. My grass looks like it was planted for an Easter photo. The ryegrass will die back as soon as the sun gets really hot. It is a great cover crop.
My friend Sara refers to this type of lawn (yours and mine) as "vernacular Southern lawns."....it's much lower maintenance than turf, and the rabbits don't eat my hostas!
Your garden looks great.
word of warning...it feels like the dead of winter in the deep south today
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