The periwinkle along the edge of the woods is blooming. It's spectacular this year even though I hate the stuff. It spreads everywhere and is so invasive.

The annual seeds are doing well on the rack outside. Marigolds, convolvulus red and blue, African Daisies, and salvias have all germinated.

In January, I stuck tip cuttings of Carla's Black Mission in the hoophouse. They're putting out new growth and a few have started rooting. I pulled one from each container to check.

This morning, the skies are gray and blue. It's a little cloudy at 52 degrees. More rain will be coming in this evening. It should be in the low 60s most of the day.

I'm still exhausted from the weekend.
It sure is greening up around there. I see a lot of growth in your flower gardens. The ranunculus would probably do well in your zone as I am pushing it here. Loves 50's and 60's...you never know what color you will get either....I am wondering if I will get a white one from this group.
The Charleston Horticultural Society just announced their April keynote speaker, Mr. Augustus Jenkins (Jenks) Farmer, III, as part of their Annual Lecture Series. His lecture, “Garden Creativity and Common Sense” offers Charlestonians unique insight into creating dynamic and thriving gardens through Lowcountry appropriate plant combinations and creative usage of local artwork.
The lecture will take place on April 12th at 6:30 PM at the Charleston Museum Auditorium. Event is free to CHS Members and $15.00 for non members.
This is going to be a great event and we hope to see you there!
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