A white spirea. This plant has been moved three times. It now resides in the shrub island.

Dame's rocket. A couple clumps are starting to push out stalks just a few feet away.

A mum, larkspur, and others at the arbor spanning the entrance to the perennial bed.

Golden Jubilee.

Yucca. I dug this one from my parents' property in SC. They grow wild in the woods here. I might regret that some day.

Something new that popped up next to the driveway. Any thoughts?

The new foliage of Ligustrum Howardii is tinged with gold.

More ditch lilies.

May Night Salvia. A clearance purchase last summer.

Elymus arenarius 'Blue Dune' grass. These are on the slope where I have knockouts and lavender.

Poppies, I think.

It's 48 degrees and cloudy. Today will be cooler reaching about 60 degrees. Tomorrow, the heat wave starts rolling in.

Majesty Palms and Peace lilies have arrived at the store just in time for Palm Sunday and Easter. The fragrant white lilies will be arriving in another week. Boston ferns are on the racks. Petunias will be available shortly. It's strange. We went from extreme cold to the middle of spring in just a couple of weeks. I'm not sure any of us were prepared for this. Obviously, the shoppers are happy about it, spending gobs of money just to be outside for a few hours. It's not a bad time to be paid to work outdoors.
Definitely spring! I'm looking for a big show from the larkspur and poppies in one section of my garden. The torrential rains hit other sections pretty hard and I don't know where all the seeds went!
Great foliage post...your unknown looks like the sticker (thorn) vines haven't a clue it's real name, that grow wild and crazy here...
'Just came up in the driveway...' is more smilax/catbrier. Get rid of it. Now. Dig it up, you'll find that hateful tuber that can grow to football size. Be sure to get it all. Watch for those little heartshaped double leaves where they sprout and get them, too. Virginia creeper looks similar, the sprouts. Pull them too.
I am so tired of catbrier and VA creeper. Does it show?
The mystery plant does indeed look like a type of smilax (greenbrier). They can be invasive.
I figured it was a smilax. I have it in the beds already. It's all through the woods out back. I hate it too. Nell, I understand. LOL.
I'm loving that forcast!
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