It's time. The short pants come out of the closet today. The Boston ferns have arrived. Osteospermum are in bloom on the store front. Daffodils are popping all over the yard. Another "hyacinth" has bloomed even less spectacularly than the first. It's 59 degrees at 4:41am. After an incredibly long, cold, tedious winter for us, we're now trending about 4 degrees above normal. I will not complain.
In the basement, two of the Marseilles fig cuttings have roots.

It is warming up...in the 70's around here in the afternoon...still a bit rainy through today, should have a great gardening weekend.
Oh yea, spring is almost here. And just in time. Don;t feel bad about the hyacinth, we have the same problem. The first year they are great, then the slowly go down hill every year after.
We all need to check with Nell. Her hyacinths always look great; maybe she replants yearly?
I had some one year and they were less than spectacular the first bloom year. That put me off buying from the big box stores. I do love how they look though.
You probably get to wear shorts to work. I worked a greenhouse one summer for a food chain a couple of years ago and it was mandatory to have shorts as one would have died in the heat. I am so anxious to see my daffodils and tulips bloom. I am going to bore people with every flower I have.
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