This afternoon, I came home from work and pulled the edgers from the two beds Carla and I laid out this afternoon. I don't like them. I removed one of the beds completely. They don't match the house. They are too pink. It's adding a new material in a yard already full of materials. I prefer the wooden raised beds. It looks more natural and blends with what I already have. Before I plant any tomatoes this year, I'll be building at least one, maybe two, new raised wooden beds to match the three I already have. In the morning, I plan to take out the rest of the edgers. Free or not, they just don't work with my palette. I'll have to reconstruct the one bed we moved. It shouldn't take long.
My materials in the yard include stone



and wood.

There's another thing or three that's bothering me too. Besides being nearly disgusted by the sight of the dead oak tree and the surrounding carnage I created by removing it this year, the activity level on Brown Avenue is increasing. Loud shouting, mopeds, and car traffic can be heard everywhere in the yard. It's too bad. Last year, even without leaf cover, the lower corner of the yard was pretty quiet and private. I'm going to have to do something about that this year. I need to learn to propagate evergreen plants like arborvitae. I'd really love a Hemlock, more Magnolias, and a weeping willow, but I don't have the 30 years it would take. The willow is actually in the plans already. I hope they grow fast.
At least the privet in the gully will regrow without any assistance from me. And who knows what seedlings will pop up back there now that the soil is exposed to sunlight. I'm expecting a few hundred mimosa trees. The hummingbirds will be happy.
I've still got oodles of seeds left to sow. I managed to sow 36 six packs this evening before I gave up. I'm just not feeling it. If I knew they would grow, I would just scatter them. I know from experience that never works out well for me. Plus, my anal-retentive nature won't allow me to just let things grow where they want. I need to be in control of my gardens, as much as anyone can be in control of what grows where.
I'll get the seeds sown soon. I'll stick the 36 containers in the hoophouse tomorrow. At 71 for the forecasted high, those petunias and marigolds should sprout quickly. I'll also get my plans in order for the rest of the spring. I know there's still a chance of nasty weather, so I'm not too concerned about not being motivated just yet. I don't want to get behind though. Six months of blooms don't happen by themselves, or overnight.
In the meantime, I'll just settle for watching the garden come alive. Although, I was disappointed by the "hyacinth" that has turned out to be a little less stunning than I expected.

At least there are crocuses.

It's still 59 degrees.
Time to move. lol
Working intensely and closely is great but sometimes you do have to back off. I have a too hot summer sometimes and I just want to just put grass in and say forget it. Once a few things come up and the structure actually takes place without anything I have control of I get back into it. It takes my hostas coming in strong and I say hey I can add more here or there. This is what I call rubble stage time of the year before the building starts all over again. Take five.
I usually get burned out when the hot weather hits, but getting ready for the spring garden always makes me quite motivated. You'll get that fire in your eyes again...
The noise level is picking up on our streets need to rest a couple of days. You sound like our youngest daughter, trying to stay ahead of your self....I love to sow seeds directly in the garden.
Tom, you are suffering a momentary letdown that we all go through...I get it just looking at all the henbit that is growing in all the flower beds.
I need to just get out the hoe and begin the attack.
Take a break and drink some coffee.
Tom ~ It happens to all of us, at one time or another, and over again. Just take a break if you need to, and pretty soon you'll feel the urge to get out to play in your gardens once again. You have been working really hard with your winter sowing, plans, etc. Waiting for spring to happen can take its toll too.
I can fully relate to your dislike of the new beds. I recently had a bit of a "silent tantrum" over all of the different things going on in the stepchild garden; I had crossed the line and found myself not loving my garden. Tearing things out was great therapy and I loved the end result. Remember that the point of all of this is your own enjoyment.....
I know lots of folks hate it, but have you thought about eleagnus as a screen in your newly exposed area? Very fast grower, very thick screen.
Another favorite "filler" plant for me is Parneyii Cotoneaster; grows like a weed, beautiful berries, evergreen, and cheap!
I planted 50 Green-Giant arborvitae cuttings last fall, they have been sitting in the house inside clear plastic sweater bins. All of them rooted except for 2.
I have a few things I would do different next time, the biggest change would be bottom heat (heat mat).
I would have been able to do a lot more cuttings If I would have had a much larger host plant.
I could kick myself for not buying two 6ft tall Green-Giant on clearance at Home-Depot last fall.
Two trees would have been $30
concrete, brick, and wood. it's like the Tao of 3 Little Pigs
i love you
Tom - I've marvelled at how you've kept going and kept positive through the long winter. Sooner or later even someone as a-r as yourself needs to get "gatvol" - an Afrikaans word pronounced with a lovely harsh g like the Dutch do (Afrikaans is derived mainly from Dutch); it is used and understood in all languages in South Africa, literally means 'arse full' (or 'had enough!') and I've only just seen how a rather vulgar colloquelism relates directly to a sophisticated psychological concept like anal retention! lol ;)
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